Friday 26 February 2010

Glamour Girl.

'Your'e my star,
Your'e my glamour girl.'

Dear Emily,
Do u remember these? Amazingly gold and amazingly wedged :)
hope you had a lovely time with Jenni, i am truly the lonely pea on the plate. Cant wait to hear all about your magic mushroom antics.
I am quietly getting on with work, and totally drained. i have four days worth of dreds in my hair, where are you to help me brush them out? :)

Hypnotise me with these beautiful shoes <3>

"Ashish there Hot."


Musical Duo, Stevie nicks and Lynsey Buckingham, sing folk together, with their curly hair and have been helping me get through the last few days..

Read to me:
One day i want my very own house just like this,
with a parrot on my shoulder next to a roaring fire. i would keep the curtains closed for days and then forget what day it was, nothing out of the ordinary really. Want to come over and get lost in some crazy self indulgent madness where there is no day or night.?
Parots name is fredrick.

Alice Palmer @ Vauxhall Fashion Scout. her 'Batman collection.'

come on summer i just cant sit around and wait for you anymore. is the weather in amsterdam as gross as it is here?
i think this is the next hat you should get em a big sun absorbing hat. you forget everything stressful when you put it on..Fabulous

Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp:

They really are the coolest people.
Peas from the same pod, just like us all.

A Whole peace of loving for you xxxx


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