Sunday 18 April 2010

On with life we go.

So heres a few pictures of what its like here:
its seems like when its sunny things seem to just appear out of nowhere, this little book fair for example, just seemed to appear!

My bowl of cereal, to get the day going :)

This is on the little island of Cristianshaven,
and a famous church, it was just so tall and impressive.

In cafe's here each chair outside comes equipped with you very own blanket, quite possibly the best idea no?! Jenni i know how much u like a good blanket, .. here you would be spoilt for choice. Anyway there were fairy lights around this street cafe, lovely.

This is a pooch i came across in the window of a shop. cute.

there are these amazingly enourmous buildings, just in the city and you just walk past them, and the colours of the buildings are really quite beautiful, there is a real mixture of old and new around here, but no two buildings are the same.

I have found my weakness for sure!

This is my danish friend who i haven't seen for 5 years, we had a lovely reunion its nice to know that people don't always change and we still get on! :)

So yesterday was the queens birthday and i walked out of the flat and couldnt move for people. when i finally made it down the street there was this whole big parade of soldiers and people waving the danish flag, these were the wise ones and stayed in and watched from above.

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