Tuesday 16 February 2010

I got you babe.

Please bare with me while i sort my life out. and get my bum into gear!
Right, It is raining today, still, disgusting, and i think i feel like the weather. I need something fabulous to happen and quickly. I thank my lucky stars everyday i got all you babes to make my day and to always say something of the amusing nature :)

On the upside, its pancake day and we have managed to have pancakes for lunch and dinner. i wanted to make funny shapes with them and see if i could get one stuck on the ceiling, no such luck firstly i am not talented enough for the challenge and secondly after one i was full, i think i got to excited too quickly. its just like drinking, you peak too soon and its over.
Its over.

An image from my research of the day: share my love for YSL in a rectangular box..i love it weirdly.

Lara Stone shot by Steven Klein...
'Lara, Fiction Noir,' wins an award in the reflection section @ A shaded view on Fashion Film, Festival in Paris, check it out, Amazing, im not sure i quite understand the film though.

Beautiful Bob Dylan, i wish people like him didn't get old, i wonder what anti wrinkle cream he uses.

Photoshoot somewhere lovely i'm sure where, not england though.
i want to love life in these colours

My castle in the distance, Can you see?


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